Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Legends at War Guild FAQ

Where do I find the Guild section?

You can get to the Guild Screen through the in-game Menu.

How do I form a Guild?

To create your own Guild, enter a Guild Name and Guild Tag into the allotted spaces under "Create a Guild" and click "Submit". If you are already a member of a Guild, you must leave it in order to create a new one.

How do I join a Guild?

To join a Guild, click on the "Join Guild" button at the bottom of the first Guild screen. If you know the invite code of the Guild you want to join, you can enter it directly at the top of the Guild List. Otherwise, you can scroll through the list of available Guilds and send a Request to join.

I do not see the Guild I am looking for on the Guild List?

The Guild List is only able to display a finite number of Guilds. Keep checking and the name you are looking for will cycle in.

Can you join multiple Guilds?

You can request to join multiple Guilds; however you can only be a member of one Guild at a time.

How do I leave a Guild?

To leave your current Guild, click on the "Leave Guild" button at the bottom of the Guild Information screen.

How do I invite members?

Only the Leader and Officers can invite players to be members of a Guild. To do so, there is an "Invite Players" button in the bottom right corner of your Guild Information screen.

What are the ranks and what can they do?

There are 3 ranks in a Guild: Leader, Officer, and Member. The Leader can invite players and promote, demote, and remove Guild members and officers. Officers can invite players and promote members to officer status. All three ranks enjoy the boosts from the Guild Bonuses.

Additionally, there is the Bloodsworn rank. Bloodsworn is a way for new players to check out guilds right after tutorial. After tutorial is complete they see a list of 3 guilds and they can choose one to join. 

They are not invited to the guild, they select one themselves. These players are not full-time members and therefore do not count against your number of guild members. They can, however, donate money to the guild. They also receive the benefit of any guild bonuses. Guilds that train and cultivate these members will have an advantage over guilds that do not.

How and what can I donate to my Guild, and what can my donation be used for?

Players can donate gold to their Guild bank. They can then be spent to buy Guild Bonuses. Only the Guild Leader can use the Guild bank to purchase bonuses. If a member leaves a Guild any gold they have donated remains in the Guild bank of their previous Guild.

Who benefits from Guild Bonuses?

Guild bonuses apply to all members of the Guild.

Alliance and Referral Code 111 - 322 – 025

Join Our Guild 613 - 593 - 191

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