Thursday, February 6, 2014

Legends at War Heroes Evolution


Heroes gain the set amount of stats before evolutionary cycle. That is, it reaches its native max level attack and defense regardless of which units it has been fed. If better units are fed to the hero it will however require less units to reach this maximum.

Evolving a hero will pass on 5% of both original heroes stats to the new evolved hero. If the hero/s were at maximum level then they will pass on 10% of the original heroes stats. There are numerous paths to evolving heroes.

The quickest evolutionary path: one i hero + one i hero = one ii hero, one ii hero  + one i hero = one iii hero, one iii hero + one i hero  = one iv hero. Four heroes are required for this evolution.

The most powerful one i hero + one i hero = one ii hero (do this 4 times), one ii hero + one ii hero = one iii hero (2 times), one iii hero + one iii hero = one iv hero (once). If you level each hero first to maximum this requires 8 x i heroes to be leveled, 4 ii heroes to be leveled, 2 iii heroes to be leveled and one iv hero to be leveled. This is considered a perfect evolution if all heroes were at maximum level when evolved. Eight heroes are required for this evolution.

There are many variations to how many heroes used and how many of the heroes were leveled. It is suggested to try and at least level the iii + iv heroes to maximum to increase the final heroes stats.


Alliance acolytes and legion acolytes can be used to increase the skill level of a heroes abilities. A hero has two skill stats the first relates to the evolution level eg. Black Wings IV (3) on a Fallen Angel IV - the first will match the evolution level and will determine the amount of damage. The second relates to the % chance of the ability being used and can be leveled up to a maximum of 10 through the use of Alliance/Legion acolytes in the leveling process. Because this second stat is reset during evolving only use acolytes when leveling the final IV evolution to maximum level.

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  1. I have spent over $1000 to help build strength in this game. My little son broke the tablet so we got another and loaded the game. What a load of bullshit I have lost my game and back at the start. This makes me angry. I have spent the last 2 months with Gree support and they just pissing around and have not sorted it.Would not recommend

    1. Then you are an idiot for letting your kid buy 1k of gems.

    2. then your an idiots idiot for not understanding what he meant, meaning your a stupid moron.

  2. You can contact gree with your old code and they can transfer to a new device. Same thing happened to me.. My phone was smashed..transfered my account to an ipad so I wouldn't have to start over
